Strategies for Tackling Complex Sentences in the GRE English Exam

Strategies for Tackling Complex Sentences in the GRE English Exam

Dealing with long and complex sentences in the GRE English exam can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can effectively navigate through them. Here are some tips to help you tackle complex sentences:

When you encounter a long sentence, try to break it down into smaller parts. Identify the subject, verb, and object in each clause to understand the structure of the sentence better.

Look out for conjunctions and other connectors that link different parts of the sentence. Understanding how these connectors function can help you grasp the relationship between clauses.

Focus on identifying the key information in the sentence. Look for the main idea and supporting details to comprehend the overall meaning of the sentence.

Engage in active reading by rephrasing the sentence in your own words. This can help you clarify the meaning and structure of the sentence.

Utilize context clues to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in the sentence. Pay attention to the surrounding text to aid your comprehension.

If you are unsure about the meaning of a sentence, try to re-read it or break it down further. You can also seek clarification from the context or surrounding sentences.

Regular practice with complex sentences can improve your ability to decipher them quickly and accurately. Incorporate sentence-comprehension exercises into your study routine.

Ask for feedback from teachers, tutors, or peers on your sentence-comprehension skills. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement.

During the exam, stay calm and focused when tackling complex sentences. Take a deep breath, read the sentence carefully, and apply the strategies you have practiced.

By implementing these strategies and practicing regularly, you can enhance your ability to understand and analyze complex sentences in the GRE English exam. Remember to stay patient and persistent in your efforts to improve your sentence-comprehension skills.




