
admin 经验 2024-09-22 6 0










In the autumn of壬戌 year, on the 16th day of the seventh month, I, Su Zhi, together with a guest, embarked upon a boat and floated along the banks of the Red Cliffs. A gentle breeze blew, causing no ripples on the water. We toasted each other, reciting poetry about the moon, and singing a verse about beauty. Soon, the moon rose above the eastern mountains, hanging in the constellations of斗牛, while dew shimmered across the river's surface, merging with the sky.

We let our boat drift as if levitating on the air, losing ourselves in the vastness. It felt as if we were ascending to the heavens like celestial beings, beyond all bounds. Delighted, we sang and clapped our oars against the sides of the boat, inspired by the scene.

As we sang, a guest playing a flute harmonized with our song, evoking sorrowful longing. The music seemed to bewail and lament, lingering in the depths of the valleys and weeping for the widows on lonely boats.


Suddenly somber, I sat upright and asked the guest, "Why such melancholy?" The guest replied, "This isn't a poem by Cao Cao, the great conqueror? Gazing westward toward Xiahou and eastward toward Wujiang, the mountains and rivers entwined, so vast and dark. Wasn't it here that Cao was defeated by Zhuge Liang? He once ruled荆州, conquered Jingzhou, and sailed eastward with his mighty fleet, yet where are they now? Consider how we, mere fishermen and woodcutters, share this life with fish and deer, in a tiny boat, savoring the fleeting moment."

Understanding that we cannot grasp forever what we desire, we can only leave behind the echoes of our thoughts in the mournful wind.

In my response, I pointed out the impermanence of water and the moon, their constant ebb and flow, yet the unchanging essence of their beauty. The world, I argued, is in a constant flux, but what truly matters transcends these fleeting changes. The elements of nature—such as the wind and moon—are gifts to be enjoyed without limit, reminding us of the infinite bounty of creation.

……(Translation continues)





